capabilities leading the team

Creating purpose and clarity

Involves creating a very clear sense of purpose and clarity for the school, team, or area of responsibility where God and students are at the centre. It involves establishing compelling vision and describing how each person’s role plays a valuable part in achieving the greater purpose. It includes clearly and intentionally prioritising responsibilities and articulating how the broader Lutheran education vision and purpose are translated into practical day to day actions, tasks, decisions and behaviours.


  1. Communicates individual purpose

    Clearly articulates the purpose and expectations of the role for every team member. Takes action to ensure each person clearly understands why their role exists, why it is important to Lutheran education, and what it is designed to deliver or create. This includes describing the expected responsibilities, behaviours, actions and deliverables.

  2. Translates the broader vision into daily practice

    Is clear in describing the specific links between daily activities and tasks and how they support the achievement of the broader vision and direction of the school or early childhood service. Ensures that the expectations of work, behaviour and deliverables are explicitly linked to the greater purpose and vision.

  3. Provides clarity and priority in a changing world

    Intentionally reinforces and provides clear priorities and direction during times of uncertainty, high stress or ongoing change. Is proactive in holding true to Lutheran values while supporting one’s team by updating them on potential changes to goals, priorities and actions in a way that provides a broader strategic context to their daily work.

  4. Establishes a compelling and accessible vision

    Articulates a compelling Lutheran education vision that is understandable, accessible and inspiring to all. Uses different methods and media to ensure the purposes are clear and meaningful to people in different roles and places. Communicates in a way that encourages people to be active in service.