Building self-awareness descriptors

Is conscious of, and pays attention to, one’s thoughts and feelings. Is aware of how one is listening, speaking or acting, and is conscious of personal biases and assumptions. Can observe patterns in one’s thoughts and feelings and is aware of how to respond as a consequence.
Controls outward expression of emotions and feelings. Projects a calm, controlled and clearheaded demeanour, even under conditions of high stress. Has the capacity to masterfully maintain composure and control.
Is aware of and recognises how patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving impact on oneself and others. Understands both the positive and potentially damaging impact that emotions and behaviour can have on others, including colleagues, staff, other professionals, students and parents. Understands when one’s thoughts or emotions are biasing decision-making capacity.
Is aware of when one is judging rather than observing. Demonstrates the capacity to ‘suspend’ observations without immediately judging or categorising what one sees or hears. Calmly ‘holds’ anxiety, risk and ambiguity, rather than jumping to irrational or emotive conclusions, or making reactive decisions as a way to ‘move on’.

Deepening faith descriptors

Sees one’s behaviour and actions as service to others. Supports and participates in the regular practices of spiritual formation such as staff devotion and prayer, worship or service in the community.
Demonstrates and relies on a strong Christian faith in both joyous and challenging times. Nurtures personal faith through involvement in a Christian community. Takes solace and gains strength from personal faith. Is seen as a pillar of strength and faith in dealings with others when it would be easy to be highly emotional, judgmental or critical of others.
Articulates the Christian faith in everyday situations and circumstances. Does this in an open, visible way that shares and communicates to others an example of walking a spiritual path with Jesus. Creates opportunities to practice everyday formation rituals with others in the workplace. Uses these opportunities for ongoing spiritual formation and personal reflection.
Models and exemplifies spiritual leadership using Lutheran theology to underpin leadership action. Does this in a way that demonstrates humble strength and inner peace. Has a deep understanding of the brokenness of humanity and God’s grace in dealing with everyday and difficult situations.

Learning and adapting descriptors

Demonstrates an openness to hearing new information, feedback from others or alternative points of view. This includes the knowledge that our reasoning can be improved with further understanding and involves not irrationally holding on to a particular perspective or opinion.
Modifies short-term actions, decisions, ideas or hypotheses based on new or contrary evidence and findings. Reflects a willingness to adapt or change one’s position if convinced of a better alternative.
Demonstrates a readiness to thoughtfully and substantially set aside or rethink previous efforts or well established plans or strategies based on new evidence, information, feedback or changes to current circumstances. Can adapt quickly and painlessly when needed.
Understands the basis for established and automatic patterns of thinking, feeling and acting. Is aware when old patterns are habitually operating and consciously chooses to think, feel or perceive things differently, as it helps to understand the truth in difficult, complex and dynamic circumstances.

Living positively descriptors

Copes well under pressure. Remains composed and unflustered in stressful situations, such as during heavy workloads, or difficult environmental conditions. Consistently maintains a calm and well-controlled manner.
Projects an optimistic attitude that draws strength from personal faith. Is self-assured and positive about the future. Is aware of professional and environmental realities but chooses to operate from a position of faith and hope rather than fear of failure, suspicion or negativity. Consistently maintains a balanced, positive attitude.
Demonstrates resilience and emotional and spiritual fortitude by quickly regaining composure after a setback. Has the ability to ‘bounce back’ and keep going when things get tough. Perseveres during times of hardship and follows through despite obstacles. Is able to maintain one’s faith and sense of humour even during intense and stressful times.
Displays genuine enthusiasm and infectious optimism. Is passionate about Lutheran education and takes pride in working in service of students and their families. Demonstrates drive and tenacity and is genuinely invigorated by new challenges and opportunities. Supports and lifts the morale of colleagues. Knows how to constructively deal with cynicism and negativity which can be damaging to the team climate.


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I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do. If you are also here doing what you do, then you also exercise leadership of some sort.
Parker Palmer