Lutheran education workplace culture

Lutheran education workplace culture describes the atmosphere or climate of the work environment. It is the perception of how it feels to work in Lutheran education, within a particular location, office, school or team.

It is the environment we are aspiring to create – a culture of fostering educational excellence that is immersed in a Christ-centred approach to education – where all we do and say is based on our desire to see every person thrive and flourish in their work and life. Service in response to God’s love is at the heart of all that we do.

The following graphic summarises the workplace culture or environment we are aspiring to create in Lutheran education. We ideally want to achieve an even balance from both ends of the spectrum, without tipping too far one way or the other.

Lutheran Education is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and informs all learning and teaching, all human relationships and all activities. Growing Deep consist of 5 elements:

Our Foundation provides the Lutheran lens through which we view all that occurs in Lutheran Education.

The Vocational Practices describe the work that we all undertake.

Capabilities describe the way we work.

Our Culture describes the environment we are aspiring to create in Lutheran Education.

The culmination and fruits of our work is that we are all Free to Flourish.

It is time to stop waiting for someone to save us. It is time to face the truth of our situation – that we’re all in this together, that we all have a voice – and figure out how to mobilise the hearts and minds of everyone in our workplaces and communities.
Margaret Wheatley, 2010