Our Foundation

The Lutheran Lens

The foundation of Lutheran education is the gospel of Jesus Christ (which) informs all learning and teaching, all human relationships, and all activities (The LCA and its schools, 2001). The Lutheran lens identifies key theological concepts that underpin Lutheran education. The lens provides a way of seeing and being in Lutheran education.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services, as part of the mission of the Lutheran church, are communities of worship and service, sharing and living the good news of Jesus Christ.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities which acknowledge God as creator and join in the ongoing creation and care of the world and all people.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities that recognise that God has intentionally created each person and that each person is uniquely gifted to live in relationship with God and others.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities where grace abounds. While recognising the brokenness of humanity, they reflect the unconditional love of the Father, revealed through the saving work of his Son, Jesus.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities open to the influence of the Holy Spirit, who invites and equips for a life of worship, learning and service.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities that value learning as God’s gift to people for their wonder, growth, and to inspire them to respond to the needs of the world.
  • Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities of hope, nurtured by the promises of God’s word, love and forgiveness which empower staff and students to embrace the future with confidence.
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Good Shepherd

Lutheran Education is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and informs all learning and teaching, all human relationships and all activities. Growing Deep consist of 5 elements:

Our Foundation provides the Lutheran lens through which we view all that occurs in Lutheran Education.

The Vocational Practices describe the work that we all undertake.

Capabilities describe the way we work.

Our Culture describes the environment we are aspiring to create in Lutheran Education.

The culmination and fruits of our work is that we are all Free to Flourish.

I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do. If you are also here doing what you do, then you also exercise leadership of some sort.
Parker Palmer