Modelling integrity descriptors

Behaves in a genuine, honest, and professional manner. Works openly and genuinely promotes Lutheran values, sharing personal views, feelings and insights in the presence of different groups.
Treats people in a fair and equitable manner. Is consistent in one’s words, decisions and actions and transparent in motives. Is reliable and consistently delivers on promises. Applies with wisdom Lutheran values in all work to ensure words, decisions and actions are grounded, aligned and predictable.
Does not pretend to have all the answers. Authentically projects an inner assurance and outward humility by demonstrating vulnerability in difficult or uncertain times. Readily and quickly admits to mistakes. Exudes calmness and has confidence in asking for the help of others when needed.
Confidently upholds a position and takes action based on clear evidence for the best course of action for students, school or early childhood service or other community groups, even if that action is unpopular with colleagues, leaders, or other stakeholders. Is assertive yet diplomatic, even during stressful times or when under pressure.

Listening and understanding descriptors

Makes oneself available and provides undivided attention to others, even when stressed and busy. Listens attentively, with an open mind when others are speaking. Others feel they have had the opportunity to speak, be heard and know that their contribution is valued.
Presents messages in a clear, logical and respectful manner. Communicates difficult or unpopular information in an honest and diplomatic way that is both sensitive and responsive to the different circumstances, background, beliefs and culture of others.
Makes it safe for others to talk truthfully and openly. Makes it clear that their views are genuinely heard and understood. This includes asking clarifying questions and reflecting back to confirm understanding. When unclear, invites others to elaborate so as to gain a full and clear understanding of the situation or perspective.
Understands the deeper, underlying reasons for the patterns of behavior, unspoken thoughts and feelings of others. Uses this deep understanding of underlying intentions, concerns or motives to anticipate and interpret behaviours or actions.

Building support descriptors

Uses reasoning and facts to construct a logical argument to win support of others. May use concrete facts and logically reasoned arguments in a discussion or presentation as the primary means to gain support.
Prepares thoroughly for presentations, meetings and discussions. Undertakes research and develops several different arguments to support one’s viewpoint. Develops ownership by explaining the benefits of an idea or initiative that would specifically appeal to the interests of the audience.
Adapts personal communication style to genuinely engage a diverse range of stakeholders and people from different places and cultures. Gains agreement to initiatives through understanding the position of others and preparing for their reactions. Tailors language and approach taking into account the values, vested interests and motivations of the audience.
Develops ownership and wins support for significant, strategic initiatives from key stakeholders through planned long-term strategies, while also adjusting to individual situations.

Networking and strategic relations descriptors

Actively identifies and contacts key individuals and groups within and outside the Lutheran education community, who may be in a position to provide assistance, support or leverage in achieving the objectives of Lutheran education.
Invests time with strategic networks to build genuine, professional relationships based upon mutual trust, respect and common values. Engages with one’s network on a regular basis to build community and goodwill.
Takes action to utilise networks within and outside the Lutheran education community for the purpose of seeking help and support in achieving goals or objectives. Takes time to assist others to achieve their own short-term goals when in need.
Develops deep, long-term relationships with key individuals and groups that are influential in supporting the strategic objectives of Lutheran education. Leverages these relationships to help create long-term opportunities for Lutheran education.


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I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do. If you are also here doing what you do, then you also exercise leadership of some sort.
Parker Palmer