Searching for knowledge descriptors

Proactively gathers pertinent data by asking questions of colleagues and others who can provide useful information. Draws from the usual, routine sources of information to gain an understanding of current and topical issues. Purposefully works to obtain this information before decisions are made or action taken.
Personally investigates situations in order to find reliable evidence or to get to the bottom of a situation or problem when routine information is insufficient. Proactively asks the relevant questions of key people in one’s local environment to form a more complete picture. Tests information for accuracy and is not distracted by unjustified assumptions, emotions, value judgements and general opinion.
Looks well beyond the local environment to consistently review and scan for trends in both Lutheran education as well as the national and international education community to remain abreast of education practices and issues. Gathers information from a wide variety of sources, including research, theology and international best practice.
Searches widely for information from sources beyond education and has contemporary knowledge of social, political, economic, technological or environmental issues that impact on the effectiveness of Lutheran education. Taps into professional networks to understand the historical backgrounds as well as current and emerging information to build understanding and perspective. Is regularly consulted by others as a reliable source of knowledge and wisdom.

Sharing for improvement descriptors

Is aware of the need for Lutheran education to be the best it can be and willingly and openly shares ideas, practices and knowledge with others. Is available to others and shares expertise.
Invites and encourages new and different ideas, the sharing of practices and insights, as well as feedback and critique from others. Seeks out and personally invites others to share, especially those who have expertise or counter-cultural and challenging opinions from which learning can occur and new insights emerge.
Creates and contributes to collaborative learning and problem solving communities within Lutheran education. Does this to enable learning communities to share ideas and best practices as a means of encouraging excellence for Lutheran education.
Proactively and intentionally works beyond Lutheran education for the ongoing improvement and excellence in teaching and learning. Creates and promotes opportunities for the sharing of practice between different education systems locally, nationally and internationally. Openly shares best Lutheran education practices across boundaries and listens openly for new ideas, practices and insights.

Thinking strategically descriptors

Demonstrates an understanding of the broader context of Lutheran education and how one’s area of responsibility fits into the bigger picture. Is aware of the relevant stakeholders in their context, the role they play, how they interact with each other and the impact Lutheran education has on them.
Identifies patterns or trends across different information sources. Uses this information to identify emerging trends or potential scenarios in the external environment and how they could impact Lutheran education. Stays alert to new information or data that helps either substantiate or reduce the likelihood of scenarios being realised.
Looks well beyond the short-term, technical issues. Draws upon a deep understanding of the church, Lutheran education, the education sector in general, as well as student, parent and community needs. Considers and articulates how one’s school/early childhood service or area of responsibility can capitalise on opportunities or mitigate risks. Develops appropriate strategies and contingency plans to ensure future success.
Identifies helpful relationships among complex data from unrelated areas that lead to new and significant opportunities for Lutheran education or highlight paradoxes or patterns that block or hinder strategic aspirations. Presents these observations in a compelling way that leads to a shift in the strategic direction and action of the school/early childhood service or wider area of responsibility.

Making it happen descriptors

Works in a dedicated way to meet commitments and deliver on promises. Puts the students first and provides timely and quality work even within challenging timeframes. Takes action and shows initiative without undue delay or fuss.
Is personally accountable for ensuring one’s team is delivering work of a high standard within agreed performance standards and quality measures. Accepts full responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of the work of oneself and the team. Is reliable and can be depended upon to get the job done.
Works in a consistent and conscientious way to improve one’s work and deliver improved work with new standards of excellence. Tests new ideas and practices and accepts work that extends one’s ability. Initiates creative improvements and changes to processes, procedures, programs, relationships or services to better meet Lutheran education’s objectives and the educational and pastoral needs of students and families.
Takes action to make real improvement to one’s school/early childhood service or area of work to deliver better outcomes for Lutheran education. Establishes new and innovative working relationships, policies, practices, agreements, processes and structures to achieve higher levels of efficiency, quality and long-term effectiveness.


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I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do. If you are also here doing what you do, then you also exercise leadership of some sort.
Parker Palmer