Creating purpose and clarity descriptors

Clearly articulates the purpose and expectations of the role for every team member. Takes action to ensure each person clearly understands why their role exists, why it is important to Lutheran education, and what it is designed to deliver or create. This includes describing the expected responsibilities, behaviours, actions and deliverables.
Is clear in describing the specific links between daily activities and tasks and how they support the achievement of the broader vision and direction of the school or early childhood service. Ensures that the expectations of work, behaviour and deliverables are explicitly linked to the greater purpose and vision.
Intentionally reinforces and provides clear priorities and direction during times of uncertainty, high stress or ongoing change. Is proactive in holding true to Lutheran values while supporting one’s team by updating them on potential changes to goals, priorities and actions in a way that provides a broader strategic context to their daily work.
Articulates a compelling Lutheran education vision that is understandable, accessible and inspiring to all. Uses different methods and media to ensure the purposes are clear and meaningful to people in different roles and places. Communicates in a way that encourages people to be active in service.

Nurturing faith descriptors

Recognises that everyone is at a different place on their faith journey. Shares in a clear and genuine way, the learning, practices and wisdom gained from one’s spiritual journey.
Articulates the Christian faith in everyday situations and rituals. Undertakes daily spiritual practices with others in a climate of openness and invitation. Proactively creates opportunities for Christian spiritual reflection and the ongoing formation of others.
Is attentive to the individual spiritual paths of others in the community. Respectfully acknowledges each person’s own journey, provides individual acknowledgement, support and opportunity to help nurture their faith. Encourages others to engage in reflection and spiritual practices to grow in the Christian faith and live out the gospel. Legitimises this practice as part of daily life.
Consciously builds a self-perpetuating climate of spiritual formation where engaging in spiritual activity is integral to the life of the community. Embeds a love of Jesus, compassion for others and a sense of grace and deeper meaning into daily activities.

Growing capacity descriptors

Takes the time to openly draw upon one’s experience to share knowledge and wisdom with the intent of building the capacity of others. Draws from personal experience to guide others on how best to tackle problems and find solutions as well as providing instruction and guidance on how to complete specific activities and tasks.
Provides others with opportunity for supportive reflection both cognitively and emotionally. Works through problem situations and challenges with others to test their thinking, actions and decisions. Uses this approach to enable others to better understand their own practices and reflect on ways to improve and grow their capacity to be of greater service to students and their families.
Personally coaches others in a way that inspires them to achieve their highest potential as a professional and leader within Lutheran education. Provides others with thoughtful and creative leadership and professional development opportunities designed to uniquely align to their individual career aspirations.
Creates a climate where professional learning and thoughtful reflective practice is the norm. Team members genuinely take responsibility for their own professional and leadership growth and wellbeing. They take pride in keeping abreast of current research and best educational and leadership practices. Individuals are supported to develop self-care and self-development strategies to enable them to work to be as successful as possible.

Inspiring excellence descriptors

Establishes clear performance expectations and professional standards with each team member including objectives, responsibilities and timelines. Ensures transparency and trust with performance reviews. Allows each person an appropriate blend of autonomy and support to enable them to be as successful as possible.
With a spirit of encouraging excellence and enabling success, provides objective, specific and timely feedback to individuals on agreed expectations. Uses data and observations to affirm excellence and identify areas for improvement. Remains firm on high expectations.
Puts the needs of students and the community first by holding others accountable for their actions and addressing performance issues using due process and pastoral care. Provides a clear, evidence-based and equitable pathway to address underperformance and is proactive in making difficult decisions for the betterment of the whole.
Creates an ongoing culture of excellence in Lutheran education where team members and peers are encouraged to provide each other with regular, objective feedback and are fully accountable for their own actions. Individual and collective achievements are celebrated. A loving and compassionate manner is used to address underperformance.


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I lead by word and deed simply because I am here doing what I do. If you are also here doing what you do, then you also exercise leadership of some sort.
Parker Palmer